I Just Have to Share This

Yesterday, I wrote a post that in the end, I just didn’t have the heart to publish.

It needs a little more work, and I don’t think now is the right time for it.

Plus, I’m struggling just a little bit.

I won’t be officially in the School Counseling Program or able to register for any more classes until my grades are posted for the class I just finished.  I am still working on two other classes in the meanwhile.

What I didn’t realize when I started is how the classes I’m taking would affect me, my relationships, and reflections on who I was growing up to who I am now.  These thoughts extend to the decisions I have made, and still make, with my almost grown children.  It has caused me to question and think about whether or not this is something I can do even though I firmly believe God has called me to this – counseling.

I often read older entries when I write in my journal, and this morning I was reminded of the commitment to learn how to live in victory, even though circumstances and life are the opposite.  In an earlier entry, I wrote about the realization that I need to learn how to stand even when I’m overwhelmed by the tides and crashing waves of doubt and fear.

God doesn’t get knocked down.  God doesn’t change who He is.  God stands firm.  And when I feel like I’m in the undertow, flailing and trying to find where to put my feet, I just need to look to God.

So, then, I check my emails, and I read this awesome post by a young lady whom I admire a lot.  Her blog is inspiring, and it seems we often hear similar messages from God while going through different trials, at different stages of life.

Finding Life’s Sand Dollars

Not only did she find her sand dollar, but she also helped me find mine.

We are rich in spirit with Jesus Christ.

May God’s Peace be with all of you!