
Dear Reader,

Here are some things you need to know about me.

First, I move around, a lot.  I always have.  My experiences have allowed me to see many different places, meet many different people, and develop a wider perspective on life, the church, and community than I otherwise would have.  It’s not been the easiest life, but I am grateful for the variety and scope of adventures.

Second, even though I move a lot, I am still a Texas girl.  I was raised in a christian home by my preacher dad, mom, and 3 brothers.  There is something about going home to Texas that helps me feel taller, stronger, and in the right place.  It’s like I’m a plant experiencing my native habitat and receiving the nutrients from the soil that make me bloom the way I’m supposed to.

Third, I love my husband more than Texas.  He’s why I’m not there.  Together, we have raised two wonderful children who are in the middle of becoming young adults.  My nest is in the process of emptying, and I find myself looking for something that may come close to the fulfillment I’ve experienced being their mom.

Finally, throughout all the moving, the hello’s, good-bye’s, the friends made or not made, one thing has remained constant.  Jesus Christ has been with me everywhere I go.  He has seen me through good and bad times, easy and hard moves, the things I knew were coming, and the surprises.  Throughout the challenges I have faced, He has truly been my constant friend, my Savior.  God has been patient with me.  He has taught me things about who He is, and who I am.  I want to share these things with others who may be finding themselves worn down.

The journey isn’t over yet.  I haven’t made my last move, and I won’t truly be home until I’m in His presence.  However, I hope we can lift each other up by, “speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”  Ephesians 5:19 – 20

With love,

Melissa Middlebrooks